Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So Right, He's WRONG!

When driving in Atlanta, GA you have to listen to AM radio if you want to avoid traffic jams. But what's even worse then being stuck in traffic is listening to the constant liberal bashing from self proclaimed "patriots" like Sean Hannity.

His show is a total and complete flag-waving sham. The people who call in to his program start off by saying, "Sean, you're a great American", and he has the nerve to sit there and pretend that he is humbled by the line; even though every caller says it. His show kinda reminds me of the old Western movies, when the snake-oil salesman is out on the street selling a magic potion. At the right time, his accomplice limps up to the front of the crows and buys a bottle. One swig of the potion and suddenly the "customer" can walk again. It's the same game, only played out daily on "Talk Radio".

Sean deals in the world of "bait and switch" and he never lets the facts get in the way of a good story. The recent Don Imus debacle is a classic example. Everyone knows by now what Imus did last year; attacking an innocent group of Rutgers basketball players by calling them terrible names on his live radio show. But instead of condemning Imus, Hannity went on the offensive and attacked Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Hannity called them hypocrites for using the same kind of offensive language. He played excerpts of speeches that both men made several years ago. His logic, that Jackson and Sharpton had no room to criticize anyone.
But Hannity's logic was a flawed as his consistently biased program. The comments made by Don Imus were on a live radio program, compared to a speech at a private function. Imus is supposed to be a professional broadcaster, who knows the difference between attacking politicians and attacking a women's basketball team. Sean Hannity should also know the difference since he works in the same field, but instead he chose to twist the facts, so he could justify his opinion.

Whether you agree with the words of Sharpton or Jackson is not the issue. The point is, they did not make their remarks on a scheduled live radio program. It is that kind of flawed and biased logic that makes Hannity so obnoxious. It is shameful and irresponsible for him to try to trick his listeners with that kind of biased reporting. If this is the kind of work that makes him a "great American", it's no wonder that the worldwide image of the United States continues to slip.

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