Friday, June 24, 2011

Who voted for Obama because he was Black?

It's amazing what foolishness is slipping out of the mouths of desperate Republican Presidential candidates during this campaign. Enter Newt "Tiffany Credit Line" Gingrich who said in a speech Thursday night that Obama is such a bad President, that Blacks will vote Republican!

Now that's funny because it suggests that the only reason African Americans voted for Mr. Obama in the first place is because of his skin color. Black voters have proven their ability to choose candidates based on the issues and what they believe to be the best person for the job. It's true that Barack Obama was the first African American candidate to be nominated by a major party in history. But Black voters have been casting ballots for white candidates throughout history. In truth, the 2008 Presidential election might have been the first time that many White Americans have voted for a Black candidate in a major election.

If Black voters only voted for Black candidates, then the campaigns of Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Rep. Shirley Chisholm and others would have done much better. Those candidates got some support from Black voters during the primaries. But that support disappeared, when it came down to making the votes count in the Presidential election.

Gingrich and the others continue to hit at Obama because of the weak economy. They ignore the mess that he inherited from George W. Bush, who left us with full blown recession. Once again they are trying to rewrite history to suit their fictional account of reality. They hope that we'll forget the financial nightmare that was revealed during the 2008 campaign when President Bush admitted that the economy was in a free fall because of what happened during his two terms in office.

Bush and his administration had 8 years to create this mess. But Republicans say today that it’s Obama's economy now, even though he's only been in office for less than 3 years. Even though things are starting to improve, the conservatives will never admit it.

Blacks didn't vote for Obama because he's Black. He got the votes because he was an energetic figure who excited the whole country. But if Obama hadn't won the 2008 Democratic nomination, Black support would have gone to Hilary Clinton because she was also focusing on issues the mattered to us.

Come on Newt, you can do better than that. You can start by explaining why you had two interest free lines of credit at Tiffany, worth about $1.5 million dollars? Is that how you're going to create jobs, stimulate the economy and balance the federal budget deficit? I didn't think so!

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